Wedding Photographer in Dorking
Natalie and Nick were married in the beautiful Surrey countryside near Dorking. I have absolutely loved working with Natalie and Nick, they have a beautiful contagious energy. I first met them during our pre-shoot so I knew this was going to be a super fun wedding. The wedding itself involved lots of hard work from the guys themselves and their family and friends which meant the locations and all the details were absolutely amazing and really added that personal touch.
Both Natalie and Nick were getting ready at Logmore Farm, a lovely set of cottages ideal for relaxing before the day ahead and just moments away from Nicks parents house where the ceremony took place.
Surrey Garden Wedding
What a ceremony it was as well, amazing heartfelt speeches and readings all brilliantly organised and what a setting next to an outstanding oak tree.
After drinks, some group shots and the cutting of the cake we headed to the nearby Holmbury St Marys which is situated next to the opening of an impressive woodland clearing, a photographers dream! Again the venue had been beautifully decorated by Natalie’s mum and dad which really transformed the look of the room. There was a delicious meal, great speeches and all rounded off by an impressive first dance by Natalie and Nick, my hat is well and truly off to you!
It was then the turn of a Ceilidh band to get the guests into a spin, sometimes quite literally and dance away into the night. Thanks guys for inviting me to be a part of your special day, I had a brilliant time. I hope you enjoyed looking at some of the photos from the day.
If you are looking for a photographer for your own wedding get in touch and lets talk all things wedding!
All photographs by Surrey wedding Photographer Carl Glancey. Check out my other blog posts here.